Articles related to WSEAS
Αn important study has been published in the Journal of Physics (IOP Publishers) with title:
Business and Economics: Metrics and Peer Review in the
journal: "WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics"
See also:
by the authors
Nikos Bardis(1), Lambros Ekonomou(1), Pierre Borne(3), Klimis Ntalianis(4), Paolo Mercorelli(5), Michael N Katehakis (6), Nikos Kintzios(7), Cornelia Aida Bulucea(8), Maria Isabella Garcia Planas(9)
(1) Hellenic Military Academy, Vari, Attica, GREECE
(2) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE), Maroussi, Athens, GREECE
(3) ex IEEE France Section Chair, IEEE Fellow, IEEE/SMC Past President, Ecole Centrale de Lille, BP 48, 59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq, FRANCE
(4) University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, GREECE
(5) Institute of Product and Process Innovation - PPI, Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Lüneburg, GERMANY
(6) Management Science and Information Systems Department Rutgers University, NJ, USA
(7) University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, GREECE
(8) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova, ROMANIA
(9) Department of Mathematics at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, SPAIN
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What do the Authors say about publishing in our Journals
Prof. Nicholas Tritos from Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine
Prof. V.R.Singh Fellow-IEEE/EMBS-IMS, Fellow IET, National Physical Laboratory, India, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine
Prof. George Vachtsevanos, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, joined us as Co-Editor-in-Chief in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Rome, Italy
Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy
Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Florence, Italy
Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy
and from the Conference Excursion in Pompei
Prof. Paul G. Mezey, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Prof. Paul D. Sclavounos, MIT
Prof. George Vachtsevanos, GIT, USA
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