Special Issue: 94
VLSI Circuits and Systems for Contemporary Communications
for the journal WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Communication is an ineluctable technology in the modern world. There has been an increasing demand for high speed communications which urges for continuous updation of communication technologies. With the evolution of communication generations through several technological achievements, there requires strategies of designing circuits and systems compatible with the current standard. As the modern communication mostly deals with high data rate and low power, the circuit/system design perspective is also needs to focussed on such criteria. To mitigate the challenges while improving the technology node is another very important aspect of design from VLSI point of view. This special issue aims at opening a platform for all the contemporary researches that explores different aspect of different circuit/system design primarily for communications. Authors are invited to submit their novel work or any technical, critical and detailed study/review in this area.
- Design of Circuits for Current or Future Communication Standard.
- Power Aware Design of Circuits for Communication Systems.
- Charge Pump Design.
- Matching Networks for current communication standard.
- High Data-Rate OP-AMPs- Design of RF front end circuits.
- Filter Design for Current Communication Systems.
- Any other relevant contemporary circuits/systems for communications.
How to submit:
You can upload your paper via the web site of the particular
WSEAS journal indicating in the Field: "Notes" the title of the Special Issue
Note that the Deadline for Paper submission is 31st December of 2021.
However the organizers review the papers and publish them in a continuous flow. You do not need to wait the acceptance of the other papers in your session to publish your paper. In case that your paper passes the first round of review (some times the second round of review), it can be published if you satisfy the reviewers' comments and remarks and the Editor-in-Chief decides that your paper You do not have to wait the peer review of the other papers in your Session.