

Special Issue: 64

Financial security for SMEs
for the journal WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics (Scopus indexed)


Grzegorz Zimon, PhD, Eng., Associate Professor
Faculty of Management
Department of Finance, Banking and Accounting,
Rzeszow University of Technology
Al. Powstancow Warszawy 12
35-959 Rzeszow, Poland

Today, in the age of COVID-19, the number of bankruptcies and failures of enterprises around the world is increasing dramatically. The governments of all states are introducing solutions that are designed to save the economy. For this purpose, certain mechanisms are being introduced to improve the financial situation of enterprises, especially those belonging to the SME group. This edition's special issue aims to present original research papers and review articles where appropriate management methods, tools and systems have been presented, whose application in SMEs will affect positively their financial security. Authors should explore and present solutions that will allow managers to build strategies to ensure financial security for SMEs, minimizing the risk of bankruptcy.

- economic security
- financial liquidity management
- working capital management
- credit management
- risk management
- corporate finance management
- controlling in SMEs
- public finances and SMEs
- quality management in SMEs
- management accounting in SMEs
- logistics organization in SMEs
- clusters and purchasing groups and the financial security of SMEs

How to submit:
You can upload your paper via the web site of the particular
WSEAS journal indicating in the Field: "Notes" the title of the Special Issue

Note that the Deadline for Paper submission is 31st December of 2021.
However the organizers review the papers and publish them in a continuous flow. You do not need to wait the acceptance of the other papers in your session to publish your paper. In case that your paper passes the first round of review (some times the second round of review), it can be published if you satisfy the reviewers' comments and remarks and the Editor-in-Chief decides that your paper You do not have to wait the peer review of the other papers in your Session.

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Before the peer-review  and after the anti-plagiarism control by Turnitin, we check the names of the authors and their affiliations very carefully. We also check using Google Scholar  if they have published enough papers in the last 5 years.

What do the Authors say about publishing in our Journals

Prof. Nicholas Tritos from Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine

Prof. V.R.Singh Fellow-IEEE/EMBS-IMS, Fellow IET, National Physical Laboratory, India, joined us as Associate Editor in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine

Prof. George Vachtsevanos, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, joined us as Co-Editor-in-Chief in our Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers


Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Rome, Italy


Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy



Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Florence, Italy

Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Salerno, Italy
and from the Conference Excursion in Pompei

Prof. Paul G. Mezey, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Prof. Paul D. Sclavounos, MIT
Prof. George Vachtsevanos, GIT, USA

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