

Managing Journals & Conferences

Main Page

Welcome to the WSEAS Paper Submission & Review Platform. You may use this page in order to:

  • Create a WSEAS account
  • Submit a paper to a conference organized or sponsored by WSEAS
  • Edit a paper's details and submit a revised version
  • Check the status of your paper
  • Review papers that have been assigned to you (official reviewers only)

If this is your first visit and you wish to upload a paper, click on "Authors Area" at the bottom of the screen and then on "Click Here to Register" to create an account. You will then be able to use this account to submit papers to our conferences. If you have been invited to become a reviewer, you will need to complete that procedure first. Should you encounter any problems, send us your paper by e-mail stating the conference you are submitting it to and we will upload it for you. Conferences with expired deadlines will not appear on the list so please mind the submission deadline before sending it.

This submission system has a 15MB limit, so make sure that your file is not larger than that before attempting to upload it. You can reduce its size by converting it to PDF, using a free converter such as PrimoPDF.

Note that by submitting a paper to a WSEAS conference you automatically agree with our submission terms. Furthermore, you must make sure before uploading that your paper is written in correct WSEAS format which you may find in the main page of the conference that interests you. Please mind the deadlines that are clearly stated in every conference page as no extensions will be given. Do not upload a paper more than once; if you wish to submit a revised version, please use the Edit button next to your paper in the Authors Area.