

Plenary Lecture

Application of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Neuronal Differentiation and Nerve Tissue Regeneration in Biomaterials

Professor Yung-Chih Kuo
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Chung Cheng University
Republic of China
E-mail: chmyck@ccu.edu.tw

Abstract: The understanding of differentiating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in biomaterials is an important issue in recent biotechnological development.  The cultivation and differentiation of iPS cells in porous scaffolds is presented in this speech.  The culture results in various hybrid biomaterials, including alginate-poly(γ-glutamic acid) with surface CSRARKQAASIKVAVSADR, TATVHL peptide-grafted alginate-poly(?-glutamic acid), poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), heparinized poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(β-hydroxybutyrate), alginate-poly(γ-glutamic acid), alginate-chitosan-gelatin with surface neuron growth factor, and chitin-chitosan-gelatin, will be presented.  Physicochemical property and morphology of these scaffolding substrates, adhesion of iPS cells, cytotoxicity, flow cytometric diagram, and fluorescent image of construct staining against stage-specific embryonic surface antigen-1 and βIII tubulin will also be discussed.  The combination of iPS cells with porous biomedical scaffolds can be effective in inducing the neuronal differentiation and can enhance nerve regeneration for clinical trial.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr. Yung-Chih Kuo is a professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University.  His research interests are focused on biomaterials, drug delivery system, tissue engineering, blood-brain barrier, stem cell differentiation, nerve regeneration, cancer therapy, Alzheimer’s disease treatment, biophysics, and colloid and interface science.  In these fields, he has authored or coauthored over 100 SCI journal papers.  He is an honor member of Phi Tau Phi Society, a life member in various academic Societies including American Nano Society, European Atherosclerosis Society, Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering Society, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, Asian Biotechnology Directory, Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan, and Taiwan Biomaterials and Controlled Release Society.  He won Young Scholar Award in 2003 and Excellent Research Award in 2010.  He is also an associate editor of J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Engrs. (Impact factor 2.110) and an editorial board member in 6 journals, and has been invited as a manuscript reviewer for over 50 journals (top reviewer of the Journal of Physical Chemistry (American Chemical Society)), an external reviewer for academic awards, research grants, faculty recruitments and promotions, and financial support of hosting international symposiums, and an advisory board committeeman of international conferences and symposiums.

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