Conference Topics

Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:

A) Waste Management
Simulation and Analysis of Water, Air and Land Pollution
Biological treatment of waste
Water and waste water treatment
Advanced waste treatment technology
Waste reduction and recycling
Waste treatment and disposal
Waste pre-treatment, separation and transformation
Soil and groundwater cleanup
Costs and benefits of waste management options
Clean technologies

B) Water Pollution
Water management and planning
Waste water treatment and management
Water markets and policies
Urban water management
Water quality
Storm water management
Water security systems
Pollution control
Irrigation problems
Water Chemistry
Reservoirs and lakes
River basin management
Hydrological modelling
Flood risk
Decision support systems
Groundwater flow problems and remediation
Water and health
Remediation technologies
Monitoring and laboratory studies
Coastal and estuarial problems
Soil and water conservation
Risk analysis
Resources recovery
Environmental health effects
Remote sensing

C) Air Pollution
Air quality management
Urban air management
Air pollution modelling
Transport emissions
Emission inventory
Comparison of model and experimental results
Global and regional studies
Aerosols and particles
Climate change and air pollution
Indoor pollution
Methodologies and practice
Construction and demolition waste
Pollution control
Atmospheric chemistry
Air and health
Remediation technologies
Monitoring and laboratory studies
Risk analysis
Resources recovery
Environmental health effects
Remote sensing

D) Indoor Climate
Identification of thermal characteristics of building components
Thermal and air permeability tests of building materials
Thermal analysis for building materials
Ventilation rates and indoor air quality
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the air flow
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of lighting conditions
Thermal comfort in the controlled indoor conditions room
Air-conditioning systems
Influence of various materials or building components and systems
Thermal acoustic and optical comfort in both indoor and outdoor spaces
Microclimatic analysis
Meteorological conditions using both portable and permanently installed equipment
Climate and global change

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