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Siavash H. Sohrab

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Siavash H. Sohrab

WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics

Print ISSN: 1991-8747
E-ISSN: 2224-3429

Volume 13, 2018

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Volume 13, 2018

An Invariant Model of Boltzmann Statistical Mechanics and some of its Implications to Thermodynamics and Quantum Nature of Space and Time

AUTHORS: Siavash H. Sohrab

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ABSTRACT: Further implications of a scale invariant model of Boltzmann statistical mechanics to generalized thermodynamics and quantum nature of space and time are described. Scale invariant definition of absolute thermodynamic temperature identified as Wien wavelength of thermal oscillations is applied to introduce internal dependent measures of space and time called spacetime. The internal spacetime measures w 1 w 1 ( , )     allow for definition of external independent measures of space and time coordinates (x , t )   for the description of system dynamics. Because of its hyperbolic geometry, its discrete or quantum fabric, and its stochastic atomic motions, physical space is called Lobachevsky-Poincaré-Dirac-Space.

KEYWORDS: - Generalized thermodynamics; quantum nature of space and time; spacetime, relativity; TOE


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WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8747 / 2224-3429, Volume 13, 2018, Art. #23, pp. 199-212

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