Conference Topics

Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:

Landscape architecture
Mega cities
Indicators: Ecological, economic, social
Revitalisation strategies
Urban Economics
Urban sprawl and Urban containment
Cities shrinking smart and Smart development
Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems
Applied thermodynamics and Eco-informatics
Biomass and Bioenergy
Cleaner energy systems
Climate and global change
Coasts and Seas
Cogeneration Systems
Combined Heat and Power Systems
Combustion and gasification
Conservation and management of ecological areas
Cost reduction and less emission
Distributed generation systems
Design and nature
Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development
Ecological modeling
Economic and efficient energy systems
Economic issues
Economics of Uncertainty
Energy conservation and generation
Energy conservation in Industry
Energy Storage
Energy technology transfer
Environment and sustainable development
Environmental and ecological policies
Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy
Environmental management
Environmental risks
Urban Forestry
Global change, climate and biodiversity
Governance, urban design and cultural heritage
Growth and Environment
Hydrogen energy production, storage and transmission
Impact on society, the economy and employment
Indoor Air Quality in Offices and Houses
Industrial Economics
Industrial Gas Turbines and Microturbines
International strategy for energy, development and environment
Landscape and forestation issues
Materials Chemistry
Natural resources management
Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection
Oceanographic laser remote sensing
Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering
Quality of water
Recovery of damaged areas and Remote sensing
Refurbishment Investment Appraisal
Renewable energy Systems
Research on Natural hazards
Spatial modelling
Landscape reclamation
Landscape rehabilitation
Landscape restoration
Landscape urbanism
Strategic Management
Sustainability development studies
Sustainability indicators
Sustainable Development
Sustainable management
Sustainable marine ecosystems
Sustainable Process Model
Sustainable waste management
Thermodynamics of Ecosystems
Water Management
Water resources
Wind energy and wind resources
Resource Management
Science and the humanities
Socio-economic and infrastructure issues
Socio-economic aspects of energy
Soil and agricultural issues
Solar Energy Systems
Spatial Economics
Consumption and Production Patterns
Desertification and Drought
Disaster Reduction and Management
Education and Awareness
Parks and Forests, Fresh Water
Health Management
Human Settlements, Indicators
Industry and Urban Design
Information for Decision Making and Participation
Urbanization, Rehabilitation and International Law
International Cooperation for Enabling Environment
Land management
Real Estate Topics
National Sustainable Development Strategies
Oceans and Seas
Sustainable tourism
Toxic Chemicals
Trade and Environment
Hazardous Waste
Radioactive Waste
Solid Waste
Water Resources Management
Strategy and development
Planning, development and management
Environmental management
Planning issues
Socio-economic issues
The community and the city
Cultural heritage
Architectural issues
Traffic and transportation
Land use and management
Public safety
Sustainable transportation and transport integration
Energy resources systems
Healthy cities
Urban-rural relationships

Bulletin Board


The organizing committee is accepting papers and special session proposals.


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