Plenary Lecture

Extension of the Architecture of Software Systems with Artificial Intelligence Elements

Professor Zurab Bosikashvili
Georgian Technical University

Abstract: Any changes in the functional requirements for the modern software systems usually requires extra development for adding new or modify existing functional modules. This is caused due to limitations of the system architecture that does not provide the ease of expandability. To solve the problem, the system architecture should have a module or subsystem that reflects changes in the system without. Here, we propose a knowledge management engine, module (KME) which extends the architecture of the software system. The KME consists of a kernel, functional sub-modules and adapters. The kernel provides mechanisms for representing knowledge and reasoning. The functional sub-modules perform such intellectual tasks as a system configuration, data validation and others. Knowledge is represented as an ontological model. Implementations of ontology are characterized by a multilayer structure. Each layer is represented in variety of languages and tools, and complicates implementation of such scheme. The paper proposes a representation of ontology in the form of a universal syntactic and semantic schemes by "if - then" rules, which provides a simple and powerful mechanism for making proofing. Rules can be written in the form where A1,A2,..,An- simple or composite terms or even logical expressions. R- is a relation (is A, member Of, part Of, etc.), according to which are performed proofs and it may be satisfy the reflexive, transitive or commutative conditions, that is fixed in the dictionary. D-is a domain , C-is a category of the conclusion which belongs to D. α1, α2, ..,αm are terms which express the values of the attributes and relation of the category C. Representation of rules in such form is natural for humans and it promotes a simple implementation all proofing and learning mechanisms and provides a modeling of non-axiomatic and the formal logic. On the basis of presented formalism we developed intelligent rules engine - "Virtuoso", that became a platform for others real systems.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Zurab Bosikashvili graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Georgia (GPI), Tbilisi 1973. In the 1977s he completed post-graduate courses in the GPI and awarded Ph.D in Computer Science. In the 1993s he defended his doctoral dissertation in the area Artificial Intelligence in Georgian technical University (GTU). From 1977 to the present time he works in the GTU. He is a professor of Software Development and Artificial Intelligence at Information System Department, Georgian Technical University, Georgia. His area of expertise is the automatization of problem solving, pattern recognition, design of programming system and software development methodology. He authored or co-authored more than 70 scientific papers published in reviewed journals or presented at local and international conferences. He has participated more than 30 projects in IT area of Georgia. Recently, he specialized in rule based systems development. He is a consultant and system architect in the software development company UGT.

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