Plenary Lecture

DEA for Establishing Performance Evaluation Models: a Case Study of a Ford Car Dealer in Taiwan

Assistant Professor Jui-Min Hsiao
Department of Applied Economics and Management
National Ilan University
Taiwan, R.O.C

Abstract: Effective resource allocation brings better enterprise competitiveness. This study, taking Ford-Right, a Ford Car dealer in Taiwan, as an example, integrates data from enterprise system (ES) and Dealer Management System (DMS) to establish performance evaluation models in sales sites. Performance evaluation model was combined with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) so as to analyze relative efficiency of different service centers. This study included eleven service centers of Ford-Right and originally incorporated two inputs and three outputs, one of which was removed because of negative correlation with other variables. Empirical results identified five relatively efficient service centers. In addition, through slack variable analysis, DEA helped to find critical variable for improvement and served as references to reach target performance of respective service center.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Jui-Min Hsiao, completed his bachelor studies at Feng Chia University, Department of Industrial Engineering (1998), master studies at National Cheng Kung University, Department of Industrial Management Science (2000) and also doctoral studies at National Cheng Kung University, Department of Industrial and Information Management (2005).
He specialized in industrial engineering and business administration. He worked as instructor at Fortune Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (2000-2005), as assistant professor at Fortune Institute of Technology, Department of Business Administration (2005-2006) and also as assistant professor at Kun Shan University, Department of Business Administration (2007-2011). In the recent decade, he also worked as consultant at Ford-Right (2003-2009), at Chia-Shing Suzuki (2010-2011), Mazda-Right (2010-2011), and at SMEA. He was also former VP of Ford-Right (2010-2011) and is now concurrently serving as a management consultant at Ford-Right. Hsiao was Director of the Innovation and Incubation Center, Leader of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation Division and also as assistant professor at National I-lan University(2012-2013).
He is now Associate Dean of the Humanities and Management College at National I-lan University and also as assistant professor, Department of Applied Economics and Management (2011-2013).
His main teaching and research areas include E-commerce, supply chain management, operational management, marketing, management information system, business negotiation, human resource management, and knowledge management. He has anchored various industrial-academic cooperation projects and research projects. He also authored or co-authored 18 patents. He was invited by various organizations for training and lectures. He has been endeavoring his efforts to put academic management tools in practice. Published articles and technical reports include research papers about automobile selling industry, biotechnology industry, pharmaceutic industry, etc. He is author of about 60 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings.

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