Plenary Lecture

Modeling-Simulation and Control of a Multi-Machine Power System

Professor Dimitrios Bandekas
Department of Electrical Engineering
Kavala Institute of Technology

Abstract: This lecture presents a new modeling and simulation method for the dynamic performance analysis of a multi-machine power system under a symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault conditions. Transient analysis of the system is based on a-d-c phase coordinates. An adaptive excitations controller is applied to a generator in a multi-machine power system to improve the dynamic stability characteristics.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Prof. Bandekas obtained his Diploma in Electrical Engineering in 1990 and his Ph.D. in 1994, from the Democritus University of Thrace. He joined the Kavala Institute of Technology in 1995 as an assistant professor, and became permanent professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering in 2002. Since 1998 he is Head of Faculty of Electrotechnics and Electric Measurements, Department of Electrical Engineering and is also a member of the Technical Committee of KavTech. Prof. Bandekas is also vice-president of Academic Affairs. His research interests include: Modeling and simulation, power systems and automated energy systems, biomechanics and systematic measurements. He has 50 articles in recognized and prestigious international scientific journals and seven (15) articles in international and national conferences with a jury system. He has participated as a researcher in sixteen (16) research projects of which the nine (9) as project leader. He is the founder and editor (Editor-in-Chief) of the recognized and prestigious international journal ‘Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review’’ (, which was incorporated in 2011 in the prestigious scientific database SCOPUS, and is one of the most recognized scientific journals of CERN.

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