Plenary Lecture

Compressive Sensing: A Novel Tool for Signal and Image Processing

Professor Hector Perez-Meana
National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico

Abstract: Compressive sensing, also called compressive sampling, is a novel research area that has attracted the attention since it was introduces in 2006, becoming a key conceptin several areas of computer science, electrical engineering and related fields. This is due to the fact thatcompressive sensingallows us to go beyond Shannon limit, by exploiting sparsity structure of the signal. Thus compressive sensing allows us to capture and represent compressive signal at a rate significantly below the Nyquist rate and reconstruct such high dimensional signals, with sparse representation,by using a suitable basis o dictionary, from what can be consider as a highly incomplete linear measurements by using efficient algorithms.
This talk presents a review of the basic theory underlying compressive sensing, the sampling step that employs non adaptive linear projections that preserve the structure of the signal; as well as the requirements to achieve an accurately recover a high dimensional signal from a small set of measurements by viewing the decoding step as a linear inverse problem, using some convex optimization methods.
Several successful applications of compressive sensing related with speech enhancement, audio and speech coding, image processing, face recognition are also discussed.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Hector Perez-Meana received his M.S: Degree on Electrical Engineering from the Electro-Communications University of Tokyo Japan in 1986 and his Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1989. From March 1989 to September 1991, he was a visiting researcher at Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Kawasaki, Japan. From September 1991 to February 1997 he was with the Electrical Engineering Department of the Metropolitan University of Mexico City where he was a Professor. In February 1997, he joined the Graduate Studies and Research Section of The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School, Culhuacan Campus, of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, where he is now The Dean. In 1991 he received the IEICE excellent Paper Award, and in 2000 the IPN Research Award and the IPN Research Diploma. In 1998 he was Co-Chair of the ISITA’98, and in 2009 he was General Chair of The IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems (MWSCAS). Prof. Perez-Meana has published more that 100 papers and two books. He also has directed 17 PhD theses and more than 35 Master theses. He is a Senior member of the IEEE, member of The IEICE, The Mexican Researcher System and The Mexican Academy of Science. His principal research interests are adaptive systems, image processing, pattern recognition watermarking and related fields.

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