

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education

Print ISSN: 1790-1979
E-ISSN: 2224-3410

Volume 10, 2013

Issue 1, Volume 10, January 2013

Title of the Paper: Teaching of Parametric Modeling Methodologies for Undergraduate Engineering Students

Authors: Zhuming Bi

Abstract: In this paper, the experiences of incorporating parametric modeling methodologies in a computer aided design course are introduced. This course aims at sophomore and junior mechanical engineering students. Students are expected to understand the fundamentals of solid modeling, incorporate design intents in modeling processes effectively, and master basic skills of using commercial software for solid modeling. The overview of course design is given, encountered challenges are discussed, and solutions to these challenges are provided. Tentative results from two-year teaching are reported, and some suggestions for further improvement have been identified.

Keywords: Parametric design, design intents, solid modeling, computer graphics, computer drawing, computer aided design (CAD), education curriculum

Title of the Paper: Education to Sustainable Development in an Engineer School: Carbon Assessment ® Method Applied to the Design of a Realistic Small Scale House

Authors: Ph. Dondon, C. A. Bulucea, P. Cassagne

Abstract: Since Kyoto protocol and agenda 21 main directives [1], France has now to divide by 4 its greenhouse gas emission, before 2050. For that purpose, the method “ bilan carbone” ® has been developed by J.M Jancovici [2], [3] and French national agency for environment ADEME [4]. Firstly it allows the quantification of greenhouse emission of any private or public company whatever the field of activity and secondly it gives some indications to help the emission reduction. The method is starting to be distributed among the academic world for sensitizing the students and for applying carbon assessment to university activities. We present here an original and pedagogical application to a true building materials small scale 1/20 house design [5]. After model parameters definition and extraction, carbon assessment is discussed. Finally, we suggest the transfer of this study towards the education field as an example of sustainable development teaching in an engineer school.

Keywords: Education to sustainable Development, Carbon assessment, student project

Title of the Paper: Introduction to the Infomath Function in Mathematics and its Application in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Authors: Claude Ziad Bayeh

Abstract: The InfoMath Function is a new function introduced by the author into mathematical domain in 2002 and it can describe an infinite number of functions, and can unify many expressions and formulae into only one expression or formula. It is introduced in the mathematical domain to facilitate and reduce many expressions and forms to a simple expression that has the same characteristics as the precedents. For example in the power electronics, one can join characteristics of the voltage applied on the resistor, capacitor and coil into only one expression without losing any data or any characteristic of these elements, this is not the case of any other function. The Infomath function is simple to use and to introduce in any type of expressions as any other functions for example: cosine, Logarithm; exponential… In another hand it can replace any other function by varying some parameters.

Keywords: Mathematics, General function, Unification, Logic, Computer language

Title of the Paper: Influence Entrepreneurship in Vocational & Technical Training (A Case Study: Isfahan-Kashan)

Authors: Mohammad Reza Asgari, Maryam Firouzi Arani, Ali Sabaghian

Abstract: Today, natural resources time has been replaced by knowledge, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation time. On this basis, employment of opportunities and potentials, resulted from mentioned factors are of the preliminary plans and strategies in developingand developed countries so that. One of the bases and fundamentals of development in entrepreneurship is entrepreneurs. People who provide growth of quick economy and permanent development of their countries, by employing innovation with accepting reasonable risks, bravery, authority and responsibility. The main purpose of this study is to survey the role of vocational &technical trainings in development of entrepreneurship in KASHAN. This goal has been tested by some variables such as entrepreneurspersonality traits, their behavior properties ,vocational&technical trainings, vocational & technical skills and new occupations. As the questions of the study, results show that behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurs of vocational & technical organization had the maximum degree of importance or highest average and after that personality properties of them, vocational & technical training, new occupations and vocational and technical skills were the next preferences, respectively.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship , creativity , innovation , entrepreneur training , Entrepreneur skills, Vocational & technical trainings

Title of the Paper: Web-based Design Model for Situated Learning in Accounting Education

Authors: Cheng Kai-Wen

Abstract: This study proposed an innovative model- NGCE-for the design of materials for situated learning in a web-based environment. This model assists industry professionals and instructors to construct a cost-effective e-learning tool capable of enhancing the core technical skills of accounting personnel and students. In brief, building an innovative model for the industry-oriented situated learning in a web-based environment is the most important contribution in this study.

Keywords: Accounting, Accounting Education, ADDIE, E-learning, NGCE, Web-based environment

Title of the Paper: Netspeak Standards: Measuring the Quantity Within the Closed Asynchronous Discussions

Authors: Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Tihana Djuras, Jagoda Poropat Darrer

Abstract: Rapid development of new technology and everyday use of new forms of communication like MSN, Skype, Facebook, SMS, etc. in various ways affect and change the language in order to create a new language form - Netspeak. The use of Netspeak erases the boundary between written language and spoken language. Thanks to universally recognized symbols Netspeak is becoming globalised form so perhaps the attempt once tried with Esperanto begins to live with Netspeak. In order to measure the amount of Netspeak elements, 10 standards have been developed that can be divided into four groups: standards related to information and communication technology (ICT), grammar and spelling (G), prosody (P) and others (O). In this paper the authors measure the amount of Netspeak elements in online asynchronous discussions within the course Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) taught in the first semester at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM). The research is conducted among four different generations of students. The results show that the amount of Netspeak elements is higher in student-student discussions which are less formal than the professor-student discussions which are more formal. Similar results were demonstrated by measuring the density of Netspeak depending on the number of characters in the discussion. Furthermore, students who more frequently use Netspeak elements in the professor-student discussions will use more frequently Netspeak elements in the student-student discussion, too.

Keywords: Asynchronous discussion, Netspeak standards, Information and Communication Technologies, elearning, professor-student discussion, student-student discussion

Issue 2, Volume 10, July 2013

Title of the Paper: Online Learning Behavior and Web Usage Mining

Authors: Peter Toth

Abstract: The application of a virtual learning environment has become widespread in Hungarian higher education. Questions of quality and adaptivity are increasingly gaining dominance, manifested in course development and course management which takes the individual specialities of learners well into consideration. In order to increase the adaptivity of the learning process, we need to have exact and relevant information on the learner’s learning characteristics and preferred learning strategies in an online environment. In this we may be aided by web mining methods, which process data from interaction between the learner and the learning objects. By the application of these methods we were trying to find an answer to the question whether any conclusions from the patterns of online learning activities were to be drawn as to preferred learning characteristics, methods and strategies and also whether the major variables of online learning behavior were possible to define.

Keywords: Adaptive online learning environment, web usage mining, online learning behavior

Title of the Paper: A Comparative Study of SVM Models for Learning Handwritten Arabic Characters

Authors: Mahmoud Zennaki, Mamoun Mamouni, Kaddour Sadouni

Abstract: In order to select the best SVM model for a specific machine learning task, a comparative study of SVM models is presented in this paper. We investigate the case of learning handwritten Arabic characters and we make use of tabu search metaheuristic in order to scan a large space of SVM models including multi-class scheme (one-against-one or one-against-all), SVM kernel function and kernel parameters. These parameters have a great influence on final performance of the classifier and also on computation time. This work has involved the creation of a complete offline system for learning handwritten Arabic characters, generating a corpus of 4840 Arabic characters in their different positions (beginning, middle, end and isolated). Based on some theoretical interpretations and simulation results, the effect of SVM model on prediction rate and CPU time is discussed.

Keywords: Character recognition, handwritten Arabic character recognition, Support Vector Machines, model selection, tabu search

Title of the Paper: Utilization and the Effect of Social Networks on Job Search of Slovak University Students

Authors: Marek Potkány, Martin Sedláček, Alexandra Hajduková, Miloš Hitka

Abstract: Nowadays, at the time of extent utilization of ICT, there are available many new possibilities in the area of human resources. Creating job information networks is very popular whereby social networks have their importance, too. The aim of the paper was to find out the current state of utilization and the effect of social networks on job search by Slovak university students. The survey was conducted on the test sample n = 407 students. Relevant data about utilization frequency and the effect of social networks on job search were finding out via on-line questionnaire. Individual questions from the questionnaire were evaluated on the basis of frequency (in %) of answers to each of offered choices. Selected questions were tested statistically according to gender. According to the selective sets consisting of male and female we use t-test to verify the significance. Testing of null hypothesis of individual questions was carried out at the significance level α = 0.05. Following results of the survey we can state that the effect of social networks on job search by Slovak university students is not significant at the present time. Statistical testing proved that gender difference does not affect the Internet utilization significantly (except social networks) and perceiving of the importance of personal presentation on social networks from the point of view of job search, too. Statistical testing proved that female in order to find job opportunities use social networks more often than male and this gender difference is considered to be significant.

Keywords: Social networks, Job search, Recruiting, University students, Comunications

Title of the Paper: Synchronous Generator Model Based on LabVIEW Software

Authors: Gentian Dume

Abstract: On the power system stability analyses, the synchronous generator model is important. LabVIEW, a graphical programming language, mostly used in data acquisition, is becoming a powerful tool due to several modules associated to it. One of them is Control Design & Simulation Module. Even more applications created in LabVIEW can be deployed easily to real-time targets. This paper presents a procedure on mathematical modeling of a synchronous generator in the LabVIEW environment. Simulations of the same synchronous generator in Matlab/Simulink and LabVIEW verify the accuracy of the model in LabVIEW.

Keywords: Synchronous generator, LabVIEW, mathematical modeling, simulations, Matlab/Simulink

Title of the Paper: Sustainable Development Education in an Electronic Engineer School: Experimental Study of Thermal Losses in a Realistic Small Scale House by Infrared Thermal Imaging

Authors: Ph. Dondon, C.A. Bulucea, R. Charlet De Sauvage

Abstract: This paper relates to a concrete experience of sustainable development concept introduction in an electronic engineer school. The design and realisation of a small scale genuine materials house itself (1/20 scale) and surroundings have already been exposed in a previous paper [1]. A second paper described and discussed the carbon assessment method applied to this small scale house design [2]. This new experimental paper focuses on thermal aspects, insulation efficiency, qualitative and quantitative measurements. Thermal losses of the house are located, quantified by comparative tests between different kind of windows and insulators, with temperature sensors and infrared thermal imaging. As these experiments are positive, we will transfer this 1/20 model kit for educational purpose and practical lessons in first year study as well as demonstrator for sustainable exhibition.

Keywords: Infrared thermal imaging, Education to Sustainable development, cross disciplinary project

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