Plenary Lecture
A Distributed and Autonomous Framework for Resilient Information Networks: Some Results from Self-Repairing Networks
Professor Yoshiteru Ishida
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Toyohashi University of Technology
Tempaku, Toyohashi, Japan
E-mail: ishida@cs.tut.ac.jp
Abstract: Information networks such as internet and sensor net has been expanded so widely that a normal life cannot be considered without them. On the other hand, many malicious and harmful agents such as warms, viruses and spams have been reported every day. We discuss the problem of spreading the normal state (rather than spreading of the abnormal state) that is formalized as a cleaning a contaminated network by mutual copying. Repairing by copying is the “double edged sword” that could spread contamination when properly used. This talk focuses on not only stationary states but also on transient states of the self-repairing networks. Several implications for the framework of antivirus systems (against computer viruses and worms) will be presented comparing mutual repair and self-repair of nodes in the network. A framework for controlling copying involving a spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma is also introduced. Adaptive character to the network environment will play a critical role when the network environments are dynamic.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Yoshiteru Ishida received Dr. Eng. in Applied Mathematics and Physics from Kyoto University in 1986. He served as an assistant professor at Kyoto University from 1983 to 1993. From 1994 to 1998, he has been an associate professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology. Since 1998, he has been a professor at Toyohashi University of Technology.. He had been a visiting researcher at School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University (1986-1987), Department of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University (1993-1994) and Santa Fe Institute (1997-1998). His research interest includes biological complexity typified by the immune system (“Immunity-Based Systems: A Design Perspective”, as in his book from Springer); self-organization by a game theoretic approach; and qualitative theory on large-scale dynamical networks. Recent activities and publications can be found at: http://www.sys.cs.tut.ac.jp/~ishida/en/index.html