

Plenary Lecture

Industrial Design and Technology of Specialized Science-Based Products - The Case of Biosensors

Professor Christina Siontorou
Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes
Department of Industrial Management and Technology
University of Piraeus
E-mail: csiontor@unipi.gr

Abstract: An industry is called science-based if the time lags between scientific discoveries and their possible industrial implementation are quite short; relevant examples include the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, nanotechnology, semiconductor, and fine chemical industries. Designing presupposes a thorough understanding of the products at deep (molecular and atomic) knowledge levels, necessitating design engineers and product developers to maintain specialized knowledge on both, science and technology, at advanced levels. This requirement stems primarily from product concepts based on complex phenomena that are hard to accurately reproduce, yet it is powered by the diversified and upgraded preferences of end users. Integrating this specialized knowledge on a large scale is not an easy task either: science-based products relate to interdisciplinary development approach, usually fed directly from the academic output, in contrast to engineering-based products, that their transition from bench to market proceeds via classical scaling-up. Clearly, science-based products require high R&D expenses and exhibit high investment risk, owing to an inevitable series of knowledge transformation and/or translation from end-users’ preferences to product description, to product specifications to product concept to design requirements, possibly to be associated with basic science, hypotheses testing and extensive experimentation. Using biosensor devices as an exemplar, this lecture will present these transformation paths, using various case examples from works performed in our Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes. Design requirements and production platforms are be also discussed.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr C. Siontorou holds a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Sunderland (UK) and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry (2000) from the University of Athens. She worked as a pharmaceutical enterprise consultant on drug development/validation and regulatory affairs (1998-2004) Since 2003, she serves at the Department successively as adjunct lecturer, Lecturer, and now underway for the position of Assistant Professor, specializing in the “Design/Development of Chemical Technology Products”. Her research interests include: biosensors; nanosensors; multi-arrays; environmental metrology; environmental management; product design; design of field detectors; industrial process biosensoring; expert systems; fault diagnosis; knowledge management; technology management; knowledge transfer systems; ontology design. She has 32 publications in highly rated ISI journals and 35 in conference proceedings (of IEEE, CHISA, European Biosensor Society, European Biomass Conferences, etc.) 221 ISI citations and an h-index of 14 (source: ISI Web of Science, Thompson Scientific; self-citations have been excluded). She has recently received the 5th-place award in the 1st i-Bank Innovation & Technology Competition (National Bank of Greece) on the significance of her work on environmental monitoring for the Greek regional development.

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