Plenary Lecture
Synchronous Oscillation by a Neural System and Analysis of Events on Time-Space Domain
Professor Yumi Takizawa
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
E-mail: takizawa@ism.ac.jp
Abstract: She will present their recent studies about operations of neural systems. A neuron operates as a potential oscillator for pulse or plateau potential signals against external excitation. Potential polarities are positive or negative depending on receptors and ion channels of the neural cell. Individual neural oscillation are random and astable. If the oscillators are connected with each other, the neural group provides a stable and synchronous system. The resultant synchronous system enables to get the knowledge of the time and space in two dimensional (2D) and also in three dimensional (3D) spaces. The functions of living neural systems are studied by the authors referring to the operation of unicellular organisms. Distinguished motions of cilia of paramecium and tentacle of noctiluca are tightly related to neural operations controlled by positive and negative potentials signals. It is concluded that the commonality exists between living neurons and unicellular organisms in electro-physical operations.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Yumi Takizawa received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1994. She joined the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) as an associate professor in 1995. She has been engaged in experimental study of neural systems in weakly electric fish at the University of Virginia, USA, 1998 and 2000. The Best Paper Prize of Neurology’12, WSEAS/NAUN was awarded to this study, July 2012.