Plenary Lecture
Impact of Digital Dental Technologies on Development of Prosthetic Restorations
Professor Liliana Porojan
Department of Prostheses Technology
University School of Dentistry
"V. BabeČ™" University of Medicine and Pharmacy
E-mail: lilianasandu@gmail.com
Abstract: Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems play an increasing role in current dental prosthodontics. Optimizing of dental restorations is one of the key factors of introducing digital technologies in the prosthodontic treatment. During the time a high number of technologies and principles have been developed and led to the success of contemporary CAD/CAM systems. Several aspects of significant technological improvements are the development and application of new type of materials, the development of different scanners, the introduction of virtual articulator softwares and transfer of digitized casts to the virtual articulator, the availability of more efficient milling and 3D printing machines. All these technologies require long-term studies in order to be introduced in dental practice. The major concern in using digital restorations is to increase their strength and reliability. Analyses of the failure evolution can be conducted using mechanical or extended finite element analyses. Reliability analyses methods provide a systematic approach for evaluating dental restorations. The variability and uncertainty of a lot of factors that affect the failure rate of oral prostheses achieved by new digital technologies have to be considered. Additional efforts are necessary for a more accurate reliability and to improve the performance of these restorations further. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0476.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Liliana Porojan - Professor at the "Victor BabeČ™" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Faculty of Dentistry, Specialization Dental Technology, Department of Dental Prostheses Technology, PhD in dentistry, Primary dentist in General Dentistry specialty, Specialist in the specialty of Orthodontics and Dental-Facial Orthopedics , Specialist in specialty Dental Prosthodontics.
The areas of research are focused on: tridimenional reconstructions of dental structures and prosthetic restorations, threedimensional modeling, computer aided design in the field of dental prosthodontics, numerical simulations (finite element analysis) in fixed prosthetics, removable and combined restaurations, design optimization, modern welding procedures of dental alloys in shielding gas, structural aspects of base metal alloys, design concepts of removable partial dentures, attachments used in combined prosthetic restorations, ceramic systems used in dental technology, CAD / CAM systems used in dental technology. They were evidenced by coordination of 6 research projects in this areas of interest. The dissemination of research results was done by: 13 published books and monographs, 10 published courses and practical work handbooks, 164 scientific papers published in extenso, 160 papers published in summary, 221 papers presented at scientific meetings, 92 participation in conferences and symposia, 33 courses and training programs.