Plenary Lecture

Water and his Influence on the National Security-Case Studies in Romania

Professor Dan Victor Cavaropol
Director of the Council of Doctoral Studies-C.S.U.D.
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy

Abstract: In this article is presented the link between water and our national security, thaking into account the vulnerabilities and the threats linked to the Black See region and the Danube river. The two case studies refers to the SWOT analyse of these two regions and the direct and indirect impact on the regional and european security as well.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Prof. Dan Victor Cavaropol holds two diplomas: a Diploma of engineer of the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB), Faculty of building equipments, Romania and a Diploma of Bachelor of laws, level EQF 5 at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police ,Bucharest, Romania. His Ph.D was in the field of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in 1999, at Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB). He has an experience of 24 years of high education and research in Police Academy. Now he is the Director of the Council of Doctoral Studies/CSUD in Police Academy, and coordinator of Ph.D theses since 2010 in the field of Public Order and National Security. Since 2015 he is a member of ASSN-National Academy of Security Science of Romania.

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