Plenary Lecture
In Search of Sustainable Business Excellence: An Application of the EFQM Model
Professor Davorin Kralj
Alma Mater Europaea
E-mail: davorin.kralj@almamater.si
Abstract: Sustainable environmental excellent organizations can operate in different environments, with different stakeholder constituencies, and come in all shapes and sizes but what they do have in common is a mindset based on eight Fundamen¬tal Concepts of Excellence according to EFQM. Each concept is a part of sustainable business. Regardless of sector, size, structure or maturity, organisations need to establish an appropriate environmental management framework to be successful in a sustainable way. The EFQM Excellence Model upgraded to Sustainable Environmental Evcellence Model (SEEM) is a practical, non-prescriptive framework that enables organisations to: assess where they are on the path to sustainable environmental excellence; helping them to understand their key strengths and potential gaps in relation to their stated (Sustainable Environmental) Vision and Mission as well as to integrate existing and planned (sustainable environmental) initiatives, removing duplication and identifying gaps. Sustainable Environmental Excellence Model provides an holistic view of the organisation and it can be used to determine how these different methods fit together and complement each other. The SEE Model can therefore be used in conjunction with any number of these tools, based on the needs and function of the organisation, as an overarching framework for developing sustainable environmental excellence because (sustainable environmental) excellent Organisations achieve and sustain superior levels of performance that meet or exceed the expectations of all their stakeholders (EFQM Excellence Model 2012). Sutainable Environmental Excellence Model and environmental excellence indicators are powerful tools that serve many purposes, useful as tools for sustainable environmental performance evaluation and public information.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Ddr. Davorin Kralj completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1987) and post-graduate study at the University of Maribor- Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in the area of Integral Quality Management (1991) and also post-graduate master’ study program Management and Organization - MBA at Faculty for Economics and Business in Maribor (2008). In 2009 he holds a Ph.D in the field of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and in 2012 he holds a second PhD at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. His main teaching and research areas include organizational sciences, environmental management and sustainable development. He has authored or co-authored various scientific papers and environmental patents. He has been awarded numerous certificates and awards. In 2008, have been distinguished with the silver award during the China Association of Inventions and IFIA International Federation of Inventors' Associations, the silver award during the International Jury of IENA 2008 and award of the Best Eco Inventor during the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization.