Plenary Lecture
New Authentication Methods of Symmetric Cryptographic Check Values
Professor Nataša Živić
University of Siegen
Institute for Data Communications Systems
E-mail: natasa.zivic@uni-siegen.de
Abstract: Symmetric cryptographic check values are very sensitive to any change of the message they are appended to. They change about 50% of their bits, if one or more bits of the message change, making the message useless. For the successful verification of symmetric cryptographic check values all of bits of the received check value and that one recalculated of the received message have to be correct. Such a hard verification of messages protected by symmetric cryptographic check values is not suitable for many applications. The introduction of soft verification enables acceptance of messages modified by transmission over a noisy channel, which would be rejected by hard verification. At first an overview over existing algorithms, which introduce tolerant verification of symmetric cryptographic check values, will be given. Afterwards, algorithms are presented, which introduce tolerant verification of messages protected by symmetric cryptographic check values together with a correction of messages corrupted due to the noisy channel. Results show how promising novel algorithms are for correction of messages, which suffer an error rate despite of the use of channel codes.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:Dr.-Ing. Natasa Zivic received diploma and Magister from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Belgrade University in 1999 and 2002 respectively. She received Dr.-Ing. from the University of Siegen in 2007, where she is currently employed as a lecturer and works on a postdoctoral thesis. Her current research includes channel coding and cryptography, as well as combined applications of both. She is author of 3 monographs, about 85 publications of conference and magazine papers, two German and one USA patents and reviewer of conference and journal papers.