Plenary Lecture

Mathematical Study of Some Models of the Atmosphere Dynamics Counting with Heat Transfer and Humidity

Associate Professor Andrei Giniatoulline
Department of Mathematics
Los Andes University

Abstract: We investigate some mathematical properties of the solutions of various PDE systems which describe fluid dynamics of the Atmosphere with consideration of heat transfer, humidity and water content. For nonlinear PDE system of seven unknown functions, we prove the existence of the weak solution. For differential operators generated by the corresponding linear system, we find the essential spectrum of inner vibrations and localize the part of the complex plane for all the eigenvalues. We compare the obtained results with our previous study of the spectral properties of the compressible fluid. The results may be applied in the theoretical and computational study of the Atmosphere of the Earth.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Andrei Giniatoulline received his undergraduate, MSc, and PhD degrees from Friendship University in Moscow, Russia. Since 1993, he has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses at the Department of Mathematics of Los Andes University in Bogot?, Colombia, where he holds the position of Associate Professor. His research interests are in the areas of mathematical physics, with an emphasis on hydrodynamics and applied functional analysis. He has delivered invited lectures on the subject of Spectral Theory at universities in Bolivia, Brazil, Japan, Russia, Spain and other countries.

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