Plenary Lecture

Diffusion in Shrinking Media: A Modeling and Numerical Approach

Professor Edi Cahyono
Universitas Halu Oleo

Abstract: Diffusion is observed during the drying process of materials. Some materials, especially porous ones, shrink during drying. Soils, clays, bricks and concretes may develop cracks during the drying process. Shrinkage of materials may cause unwanted defects such as crack, bow, crook, cup and twist on timbers. We study the shrinking of such materials during drying to understand the process better. In this talk, we will discuss the derivation of a mathematical model based on macro modeling. The solution is obtained numerically by applying a finite difference method. The model and the numerical scheme are compared with the ones of the unshrinking media.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: He got a Doctor degree in Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics University of Twente, the Netherlands in 2002. At the same time, he has been a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari Indonesia. In 2010 he was promoted to Professor of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Currently, he is a vice president of the Indonesian Mathematical Society.
His main research areas are focused on Partial Differential Equations and applications. For the case of diffusion equation, he has applied it for modeling of wood drying in industry. Currently, he is also working on the relation of fundamental solution type with temporal probability density function of stock, currency and index dynamics.

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