Plenary Lecture

Applying Information Technology into the Role-Based E-Learning

Professor Hung-Jen Yang
National Kaohsiung Normal University
Taiwan, R.O.C.

Abstract: Role-play as a means of involving learners in experiential learning opportunities has been a characteristic of user-centered learning environments for many years. Developments in the digital environment have enabled the design of more sophisticated role play environments in which learners deal with the complexity and ambiguity of real-life issues and the same time develop their knowledge of the advantages and limitations of online communication. E-Learning add a further ‘real-world’ quality to role-plays. Issues would be presented include:
- Effective online role plays
- Authentic role-based e-learning activities
- Assessment and evaluation in role-based e-learning
A careful analysis of the strengths and learning information flows of online role play, and is realistic about possible difficulties. Providing guidance for both newcomers and experienced professionals who are developing their online teaching repertoire, it would be an invaluable resource for information system designers, IT engineers, and system analyzers.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Hung-Jen Yang got master of industrial technology from University of North Dakota USA in 1989 and Ph.D. of Industrial education and technology from the Iowa State University, USA in 1991. From 1991 to 1994, he worked as an associate professor in Ping-Tong University of Education and was in charge of computer center to promote computer assist instruction and internet-working service. After 1994, he is working for the department of industrial technology education in the National Kaohsiung Normal University. National Science Council in Taiwan had contracted with Dr. Yang for more than twenty research projects in last twenty years. He also supports Ministry of Education by creating information system of teacher in-service education. Technology education and teacher education are two major educational research areas focused by Dr. Yang. Other than educational research, he is also involved deeply with topics of STEM education, knowledge engineering, communication technology, electronic engineering, and automation technology.

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