AUTHORS: P. Aruna Jeyanthy, D. Deveraj, J. D. Darwin
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ABSTRACT: Corrective action for voltage stability is one of the issues which the electrical utilities care most about. This paper deals with the development of optimization model that is capable of performing corrective control action. Though the preventive control approach is preferred for the secure operation of the system, corrective control can also be carried out as it is considered economical. Corrective control actions would maintain voltage stability of the system in case of severe and unforeseen contingencies. Under the corrective control strategy, control actions are not taken until the contingency actually occurs. But a contingency plan is prepared in advance for the identified severe cases. Corrective control is activated when a contingency has occurred endangering voltage stability. The objective of this paper is to achieve maximum voltage stability margin in the contingency state while satisfying system and equipment constraints. Also the generator ramp rate constraints are taken into account for the system’s corrective control capabilities after the outage has occurred. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to solve this optimization problem. The effectiveness of this algorithm is demonstrated through the Voltage Security Enhancement in the IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 57-bus test systems.
KEYWORDS: L-index, ramp rate, Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Optimal power flow (OPF)
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