AUTHORS: S. Sathish Kumar, C. Nagarajan
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ABSTRACT: Today, with the focus on greener sources of power, PV has become an important source of power for a wide range of applications. Improvements in converting light energy into electrical energy as well as the cost reductions have helped create this growth. Even with higher efficiency and lower cost, the goal remains to maximize the power from the PV system under various lighting conditions. This paper describes a design and validation of a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) capable of tracking the true Global Maximum Power Point (GMPP) in the presence of other local maxima. The proposed system tracks Maximum Power Point (MPP) without the use of costly components such as signal converters and microprocessors thereby increasing the compactness of the system
KEYWORDS: Photovoltaic module, MPPT, boost converter, Global Dithering Algorithm, simulation
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