WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics

Print ISSN: 1109-2769
E-ISSN: 2224-2880

Volume 17, 2018

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Volume 17, 2018

A Fixed Point Approach to the Stability of a Nonic Functional Equation in Modular Spaces

AUTHORS: Seong Sik Kim, John Michael Rassias, Soo Hwan Kim

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ABSTRACT: In this paper, we present a fixed point results which was proved by Khamsi [9] in modular function spaces to prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonic functional equation : f(x + 5y) − 9f(x + 4y) + 36f(x + 3y) − 84f(x + 2y) + 126f(x + y) − 126f(x) + 84f(x − y) − 36f(x − 2y) + 9f(x − 3y) − f(x − 4y) = 9 ! f(y), where 9 ! = 362880 in modular spaces

KEYWORDS: - Generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability, Modular spaces, Nonic functional equations


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WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2769 / 2224-2880, Volume 17, 2018, Art. #18, pp. 130-136

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