WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development

Print ISSN: 1790-5079
E-ISSN: 2224-3496

Volume 14, 2018

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Volume 14, 2018

Design of a Spatial Database of Standardized Blocks of Flats for the Purpose of Population Sheltering in the Town of Uherské Hradiště

AUTHORS: J. Rak, D. Vicar, V. Losek, T. Balint, J. Strohmandl, B. Kozubikova

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ABSTRACT: This article describes the process of creating a database of standardized blocks of flats in the territory of the town of Uherské Hradiště. From the perspective of municipalities, one of the issues in the field of sheltering is the lack of a systematic approach unified for all municipalities in the CR. That is why there is ample space for standardization. This is main problem of sheltering in the CR. The design and creation of a database containing buildings suitable as improvised shelters in Uherské Hradiště is the aim of research in this paper. The methods of analysis and synthesis of obtained data were used in the research. For the creation of the spatial database MS Excel was used for the initial outline of the database. Subsequently, QGIS version 2.6.0 and QGIS Browser version 2.6.0 were used. The main spatial data were the OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset. The blocks of flats were categorized in order to facilitate the design and preparation of population sheltering in the town. The categorization is based on the presumption of consistency in the construction of groups of buildings, which can be divided into concrete high-rise blocks of flats and those of brick. The article maps individual blocks of flats in the territory of Uherské Hradiště and inputs them into the database. The final database consists of two types of the residential buildings structures - brick and panel type. Structural type series are identified according to the type of construction of each object. The database of the most widespread structural type series in Uherské Hradiště contains a total of 364 objects, of which 271 objects are OP 1.11., 33 objects are G32 and 15 objects are OP 1.31. structural type series. The structural type series of 45 objects was not possible to identify. However, 16 objects belong most likely to the brick structure type. The type oneness can be used in the area of population sheltering planning and designing of improvised shelters. The resulting database is then created as a spatial database to support the use of GIS tools.

KEYWORDS: Geographic Information System, Risk Assessment, Civil Protection, Crisis Management, Information Support, Sheltering.


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WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 14, 2018, Art. #2, pp. 16-23

Copyright © 2018 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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