AUTHORS: Frederico Meireles Rodrigues, Luís Loures
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ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors present the results of a public space redesign developed under a specific public participation methodology, conducted during the course of a project-based learning as part of a landscape architecture bachelor design studio. The focus was the redevelopment of an urban square in Portugal. Methods of behavior mapping, interviews and focus group were implemented and aimed the understanding of existing pattern of occupancy and people’s level of public satisfaction, needs and preferences, and educating students on the negotiation practices and on the impact of people’s feedback over the design options. The students work has ended at the design program level, defining a zoning plan, as well as the general and specific objectives to be considered in the redesign project. The Project-based process was considered to be key to the learning process.
KEYWORDS: Public Participation, urban square, post-occupancy evaluation, project-based learning, landscape architecture.
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