AUTHORS: Ji-Feng Ding, Jung-Fong Kuo
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ABSTRACT: Customer value has become the key to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty in the future by the international air courier industry. The main purpose of this article was to apply the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to study the key customer value factors for international air courier service providers based upon Taiwanese customers’ perspective. At first, a hierarchical structure with four assessment aspects and twenty assessment factors was constructed. Then, the proposed fuzzy AHP method was to employ to measure the relative weights via the AHP experts’ questionnaires for customer value factors. Finally, the empirical results showed that: (1) ‘time’ is the highest assessment aspect for customer value; and (2) the top six key customer value factors for international air courier service providers are ‘inland transit time at both ends of the warehouse and the airport,’ ‘lower administrative processing time,’ ‘warehouse processing and handling time,’ ‘high accuracy,’ ‘fast turnover rate,’ and ‘high safety.’ Furthermore, the first six factors are mainly distributed in ‘time’ and ‘quality’ value metrics. Hence, the international air courier industry should strengthen the related factors of ‘time’ and ‘quality’ value metrics, in order to provide customers with higher customer value.
KEYWORDS: Customer value; Courier service provider; Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
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WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 15, 2018, Art. #37, pp. 385-393
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