AUTHORS: Francesco Ciampi
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to verify the potential of top management characteristics for small enterprise (SE) default prediction modelling. Logistic regression was applied to a sample of 423 Italian SEs, as defined in the Base Capital Accords (firms with a turnover below 5 million Euro) in order to develop a SE default prediction model based on both financial ratios and SE top management characteristics. The predictive power of this model was then compared to that of a second model whose predictive variables were exclusively represented by balance sheet financial ratios. The main findings are: i) managerial characteristics significantly improve the SE default prediction accuracy rates; ii) the smaller is a firm the higher is the increase in prediction accuracy that can be obtained by using managerial characteristics as default predictors; iii) SEs belonging to different size groups need to be treated with different prediction models; iv) SE management’s over-confidence in its ability to control the outcome of all events, especially external events, reduces a firm’s capacity to survive.
KEYWORDS: Bankruptcy, Credit rating, Default prediction modelling, Financial ratios, Managerial characteristics, Small enterprise, Top management
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WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 14, 2017, Art. #41, pp. 397-408
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