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C. Srinivasa Murthy
K. Sridevi

Author(s) and WSEAS

C. Srinivasa Murthy
K. Sridevi

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control

Print ISSN: 1991-8763
E-ISSN: 2224-2856

Volume 16, 2021

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Volume 16, 2021

FPGA Implementation of High Speed-low Energy RNS based Reconfigurable-FIR Filter for Cognitive Radio Applications

AUTHORS: C. Srinivasa Murthy, K. Sridevi

DOI: 10.37394/23203.2021.16.24
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ABSTRACT: The Finite impulse response (FIR) filter is prominently employed in many digital signal processing (DSP) systems for various applications. In this paper, we present a high-performance RNS based FIR filter design for filtration in SDR applications. In general, the residue number system (RNS) gives significant metrics over FIR implementation with its inherent parallelism and data partitioning mechanism. But with increased bit width cause considerable performance trade-off due to both residue computation and reverse conversion. In this paper optimized Residue Number System (RNS) arithmetic is proposed which includes distributed arithmetic based residue computation during RNS multiplication followed by speculative delay optimized reverse computation to mitigate the FIR filter trade-off characteristics with filter length. The proposed RNS design utilizes built-in RAMs block present in the devices of FPGA to accomplish the process of reverse conversion and to store pre-computational values. A distinctive feature of the proposed FIR filter implementation with core optimized RNS is to minimize hardware complexity overhead with the improved operating speed. Initially, fetal audio signal detection is carried out to validate the functionality of FIR filter core and FPGA hardware synthesis is carried out for various input word size and FIR length. From the experimental, it is proved that the trade-off exists in conventional RNS FIR over filter length is narrow down along with considerable complexity reduction with our proposed optimized RNS system.

KEYWORDS: DA arithmetic, PPA, FIR filter; RNS system; Speculation, Low Energy-power product, area-power product, FPGA

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8763 / 2224-2856, Volume 16, 2021, Art. #24, pp. 278-293

Copyright Β© 2021 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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