AUTHORS: Illa Kolani, Francois Zougmore, Tchamye Boroze, Barerem Mao, Savadogo Moumouni
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ABSTRACT: In this paper we study a new methodology in MIMO channel modeling based on scattering ring beamwidth- clustering. We demonstrate how small cell MIMO channel correlation is estimable under a relative virtual displacement of scatters by assigning a cluster of beamwidth to an arbitrary small cell. As the virtual displacement of scatters results straightforward to a dynamic re-organization or distribution of scatters around the scattering environment, dynamic probability function (PDF) of beamwidth are foreseen to derive the channel properties. First, we observe in asymptotical analysis that the reference model and the Uniform PDF scattering channel model are two extremes cases of the same version of dynamic scattering normal PDF. We further lay on this particular feature of assigning an arbitrary geometrical parameter of cluster to a small cell, to extend the channel model to a full and complete time-evolving channel for MIMO transmission modes(TM) adaptive control design. Indeed, we also extract an optimal switching criterion for both spatial multiplexing TMs and transmit diversity TMs by deriving the point of inflection of the multiplexing function under the channel correlation constraint. Finally, using Vienna Institute LTE –A simulator, simulation results in terms of BLER and Throughput for different receivers Zero Forcing (ZF), Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and Soft Sphere Decoding (SDD) are provided, corroborating the study.
KEYWORDS: MIMO Adaptive, Small cell, Reference Model, Beamwidth, Transmission Mode, PDF, Dynamic Scattering
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