AUTHORS: Zaid Bari, Majid Ben Yakhlef
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to propose an optimization model to determine which configuration of Renewable Energy Systems (RES) is suitable (Wind Turbine - Battery, Panel photovoltaic - Battery or Wind Turbine - Panel photovoltaic - Battery) to power remote areas autonomously with well- defined levels of reliability and the most optimal economic costs. In this regard, and to validate the proposed model we studied four specific location in Morocco, based on the real weather data (wind and temperature) and the various technical and economic data to determine the optimal model (suitable generator). According to the results of optimization and simulation algorithm, it is concluded that the hybrid systems including WT and PV with battery backups are less expensive compared to the other, Moreover, we found that among non-hybrid systems, in all regions studied except Zagora WTs are more economical than PVs.
KEYWORDS: Hybrid Renewable Energy system, Photovoltaic, Wind turbine, Optimization
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