AUTHORS: Mariusz Chmielewski, Michał Nowotarski
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ABSTRACT: This paper discusses method and tool for supporting and assisting clinical trials of pharmaceutical drugs utilising wearables and mobile technologies. Biomedical sensors and handhelds deliver new opportunities to gather and process medical data. Presented method implements such observations and delivers new, convenient means for remote patient monitoring. Clinical trials require methodology and tools to support iterative, accurate assessment of drug intake and treatment effects. Currently available methods rely mostly on analogue approach (booklets) in which a trial participant is reporting symptoms in a booklet. Such approach often can be biased by unpunctual, not precise reporting. Handhelds can support trial processes by automatically scheduling and recording an actual time of reports and most of all it can record the inertial and biometric sensor data during the survey process. Presented analytical method (tremors recognition) and its software implementation offer consistent approach to clinical trials assistance transforming Android smartphone into remote reporting and notification tool. PatronDroid tool supplements also features for sensor based disease diagnostics identifying PD tremors as well as specific tonic or clonic phases. The tool’s feature composition delivers convenient and reliable utility which can assist patients and medical staff during the process objectifying the clinical tests, helping to ensure good quality of the clinical trial data, instantly available and easily accessible.
KEYWORDS: mobile applications, wearable sensors, telemedicine, clinical trials, neurological symptoms
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