Plenary Lecture

Explicit Finite Element Methods in Modelling of Crushing Process of FRP composite Absorbers

Dr. Hessam Ghasemnejad
School of Aerospace & Aircraft Engineering
Kingston University
London, UK

Abstract: The delamination failure mode needs a three-dimensional representation of the constitutive equation and kinematics, and cannot be treated using thin shell theory. Thus, debonding and delamination are usually ignored when thin shell elements are used to model failure in composite modelling. In this research the delamination behaviour will be modelled with layers of shell elements in the box wall. Discrete non-linear spring elements will be also used to represent the through-thickness reinforcementinto the wall of composite absorbers.
Considering a real crashing scenario and the strain rate sensitivity of composite materials, various loading velocities will be applied to the rigid striker. The crushing process of stitched composite absorbers will be simulated by finite element software LS-DYNA and finally the numerical results will be verified with the relevant analytical and experimental results. The results will demonstrate the real behaviour of stitched composite box absorbers during a crash event. The critical crash loading will enable designers to improve the design of safety instruments as energy absorber components in vehicular structures to protect passengers during crash events.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: He was awarded a PhD in Composite Structures from Kingston University, London in 2009. Upon completion of his PhD degree, he was appointed as a Lecturer in Engineering Design at Kingston University London. In 2011 he was promoted to Senior Lecturer position in Composite Materials in the school of Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering. His main research areas are focused on the damage tolerance and failure modes in the laminated composite structures under various loading conditions such as buckling, post-buckling, fatigue, impact and crash. He has regularly published the outcomes of his research in more than 40 major international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals and conferences. He is also member of EPSRC Peer Review College and acts as member of editorial board and scientific committees of international journals and conferences.

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