Plenary Lecture

Thin Film Stacks of Metal Oxides for Application in Solar Absorbers

Professor Arturo I. Mtz-Enriquez
Center for Research and Advanced Studies
National Polytechnic Institute

Abstract: The use of solar energy becomes more important every day because it is friendly to the environment. Of particular interest is solar thermal technology, in which sunlight is transformed into thermal energy by means of solar absorber devices. In this work, selective solar absorbers (SSAs) for intermediate temperatures have been developed; these devices consist of stacks of different films. Typical configurations consist of anodized porous alumina growth on aluminum substrates, then other films have been deposited inside the pores or on the porous alumina. Here we analyze the use of iron oxides, nickel oxides, and cobalt oxides as active materials. Additionally, tin oxide and aluminum oxide have been evaluated as antireflecting coatings. The optical properties of all the fabricated stacks have been investigated and correlated with the composition and structure of the involved materials. The authors gratefully acknowledge Conacyt, Sener and IER-UNAM for funding through the Mexican Center for Innovation in Solar Energy (CeMIE-Sol), Project P-18.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Arturo I. Mtz-Enriquez received the Ph. D. degree in physical chemistry from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, he is a Scientist at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute in Saltillo, Mexico. His research interests are in preparation and characterization of thin films and nanostructures of metal oxides, which include those of transition and main group metal ions. The classes of materials on which his research has focused include metal oxide thin films and semiconductors, for applications in solar energy, photocatalysts, radiation detectors, electrochromism, and water remediation. He is the author and co-author of over 200 contributed and invited scientific presentations, refereed journal publications, book chapters, and invited seminars at universities.

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