Plenary Lecture

Advanced Modelling and Analysis of Excitation of Neurons for Pulse and Plateau Potentials with Positive and Negative Polarities

Professor Yumi Takizawa
Institute of Statistical Mathematics

Abstract: The principle of positive pulse oscillation in a neuron and synchronization of a neural group have been studied by the authors. Not only pulse- but also plateau-potentials are used in practical neurons. In this lecture, an advanced modelling and equivalent circuits are first given with a three-port- active device based on the liquid junctions induced in the cytoplasm. This model is featured with Na+ and Cl- ion channels for positive and negative potential generation. Liquid junctions are observed in the physiological experiments. In this model, active neuron is composed of three zones separated two junctions, which operates for input, control, and output ports. The operation of generation and amplification of signals are then analyzed based on the equivalent circuits. Electrical signal generation and its usage are presented for the motion of tentacles in noctiluca and motion of cilia in paramecium of unicellular organisms. It is shown that the commonality exists in excitation of neurons and cells of unicellular organisms.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Yumi Takizawa received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1994. She joined the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) as an associate professor in 1995. She has been engaged in experimental study of neural systems in weakly electric fish at the University of Virginia, USA, 1998 and 2000. The Best Paper Prize of Neurology’12, WSEAS/NAUN was awarded to this study, July 2012.

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