Plenary Lecture

Exact Controllability of Higher-Order Linear Systems

Professor M. Isabel Garcia-Planas
Departament de Matematiques
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Abstract: In recent years there has been growing interest in the descriptive analysis of l-order time invariant linear dynamical system x^l = A^(l-1)*x^(l-1) +...+ A0*x^0 where Ai are square complex matrices and xi denotes the i-th derivative of x. We are interested to mesure the minimum number of controls B that are needed in order to make the system x^l = A^(l-1)*x^(l-1) +...+ A0*x^0 + B*u controllable.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Professor Dr. Maria Isabel Garcia-Planas joined the Department of Mathematics at the “Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya” Barcelona, Spain in 1981. Her work had been centered on Linear Algebra, Systems and Control Theory. She has authored over a hundred papers and serves on the referee on several indexed scientific journals. She has been plenary Speaker in several WSEAS International Multi-Conferences as well to INASE Conferences.

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