

Plenary Lecture

Recent Advances in Multi-Agent Simulation Systems for Scalable Wireless Sensor Networks

Professor Dimitrios A. Karras
Department of Automation
Sterea Hellas Institute of Technology
E-mail: dakarras@teiste.gr

Abstract: This plenary lecture will focus on the state of the art of Multi-agent Systems for simulating large scale Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) to efficiently address real world applications based on scalable distributed hardware implementations. Additionaly, it will identify open problems in the design of such systems and present a new design approach for an efficient Multi-agent WSN simulation system exploiting state of the art parallel implementations. The goal is to build a generic and scalable simulation system with the capability to emulate variable MCUs and mote setups, as well as actual code and MCU specific assembly language, fitting any microprocessor specifications, through a suitable multiagent system implemented in a distributed parallel architecture. An open standard XML document is involved to describe MCU and mote processing features. The core of the proposed simulator is the MCU emulator, able to simulate different MCUs and mote setups providing accurate processing metrics integrated as a specific agent in a unified layered multiagent system. The MCU emulation engine agent is based on the fact that every instruction in the MCU’s instruction set actually modifies the contents of a type of memory (registers, special function registers, flags, ports etc) according to a set of Boolean or numeric functions described as data in an XML file. Elaborating these design issues through the layered multiagent WSN system architecture as well as through suitable novel state of the art agent scheduling strategies offers the capability to support an accurate simulation of the realistic WSN design performance and is a topic of primary importance that will be thoroghly discussed during this plenary speech.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras received his Diploma and M.Sc. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1985 and the Ph. Degree in Electrical Engineering, from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in 1995, with honours. From 1990 and up to 2004 he collaborated as visiting professor and researcher with several universities and research institutes in Greece. Since 2004, after his election, he has been with the Sterea Hellas Institute of Technology, Automation Dept., Greece as associate professor in Digital Systems and Signal Processing as well as with the Hellenic Open University, Dept. Informatics as a visiting professor in Communication Systems (the latter since 2002 and up to 2010). He has published more than 65 research refereed journal papers in various areas of pattern recognition, image/signal processing and neural networks as well as in bioinformatics and more than 180 research papers in International refereed scientific Conferences. His research interests span the fields of pattern recognition and neural networks, image and signal processing, image and signal systems, biomedical systems, communications, networking and security. He has served as program committee member in many international conferences, as well as program chair and general chair in several international workshops and conferences in the fields of signal, image, communication and automation systems. He is, also, former editor in chief (2008-2015) of the International Journal in Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE), academic editor in the TWSJ, ISRN Communications and the Applied Mathematics Hindawi journals as well as associate editor in various scientific journals. He has been cited in more than 1600 research papers, his H/G-indices are 17/35 (Google Scholar) and his Erdos number is 5. His RG score is 30.62 (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dimitrios_Karras2/)

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