Plenary Lecture

Quality Management in Agile Software Development


Professors Monica Leba & Andreea Ionica
University of Petrosani

Abstract: The well-known opinions of several authors have suggested that the quality improvement programs based on a TQM (Total Quality Management) philosophy may be able to meet the needs for quality oriented development in software engineering. In software engineering the software development process is based on a type of lifecycle. No matter the type of lifecycle used for a certain software application development, the starting and crucial point is always the correct and thorough capture of the client’s requirements. Moreover, the software development process lately shifted towards the Agile principles that put in the center of the entire process the client and its requirements. Thus, the development process begins with the requirements capture, but although this process the change of the requirements is welcome. From the techniques and methods that improve the quality of requirements including the client participation we focused on QFD (Quality Function Deployment), considering that QFD is a requirements engineering approach that focuses on quality. The software development methodology that we propose is based on the Agile Manifesto, the Scrum terminology and uses QFD as quantification instrument of the current state of the software development with regard to the customer’s expectations. Most of the software developed worldwide in the last years has an accelerated lifecycle between idea and market. This approach fits perfectly to the Agile development model amongst all the existing software lifecycles. The present lecture presents the entire methodology applied and validated on different IT related startups.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Monica Leba: Received a BSc in System Control and Applied Informatics Engineering in 1998, a MSc in Information Systems and Technologies in 2007 and gained a PhD in System Control in 2002. She joined in 1999 the University of Petrosani. In 2015 became Full Professor of Control Engineering. She is also a Ph.D. supervisor in the field of Control Engineering and Director of the Doctoral School at the University of Petrosani. She is member of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control), Technical Committee 3.1. Computers for Control. She was Invited Lecturer at the University of Clausthal – Germany, University of Nancy – France and University of Malaga – Spain. Her general research interests are in information systems, applied informatics, algorithms design, modelling and simulation, computer and system control engineering. She took part and coordinated about 20 national and international research projects and grants and published about 100 scientific papers. She also presented plenary lectures in WSEAS conferences in Corfu, Greece, October, 2008; Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2009; Malta, September 2012; Athens, Greece, May 2013 Valencia, Spain, August 2013; Tenerife, Spain, January 2014 and Ischia, Italy, 2016. Andreea Ionica: Graduated the University of Petrosani as engineer (1992), as economist (2002) and PhD in Industrial Engineering (2004). She got a postgraduate degree in Enterprises’ Economy and Administration from Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France (1998). She also graduated the course of Human Resources Management (1999). She is currently Full Professor in the Management Department at University of Petrosani where she teaches mainly in the areas of Management and Quality Management. She is also a Ph.D. supervisor in the field of Management and Engineering and Faculty Dean at the University of Petrosani. Her research interests include: Quality Management Systems (QMS), TQM implementation, the study of customer - supplier relationship in the context of the QMS implementation. She activates in the field of quality management systems, being auditor and Quality Management Representative at the University of Petrosani. In the period 2010-2012 she coordinated a Grundtvig project with partners from Turkey, Romania, Nederland, Belgium and Germany. She participated as coordinator or member in about 10 national and international research projects and grants and published about scientific 100 papers. She also presented plenary lectures in WSEAS conferences in Malta, September 2012; Athens, Greece, May 2013; Valencia, Spain, August 2013 ; Tenerife, Spain, January 2014 and Ischia, Italy, 2016.

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