Plenary Lecture

Stationary Disturbance in the Boundary Layers

Professor Sergey A. Gaponov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ITAM)

Abstract: In the lecture an overview of works on stationary disturbance in the boundary layer will be provided. For the first time two-dimensional stationary disturbances of the subsonic boundary layer were described by Stewartson K. in 1957, and three dimensional stationary structures were observed in experimental studies Klebanoff, P. S., Tidstrom, K. D. in 1959. They have stimulated further theoretical and experimental research. At present there is an extensive bibliography on the topic. This is especially true of subsonic boundary layer. Theoretical researches of fixed disturbances of a supersonic boundary layer belong to the author of this lecture, whose results will be presented along with the data of other authors. Theoretical researches of stationary disturbances of a supersonic boundary layer belong to the author of this lecture, whose results will be presented along with the data of other authors. Usually a source of stationary longitudinal structures is external turbulence which can be described both by a continuous spectrum of a stability theory, and by the theory of a resonant interaction. The lecture will be presented the results of theoretical and experimental research of stationary eigen perturbations of a boundary layer stability theory, and disturbances are excited by outside waves.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Sergey Gaponov graduated from the Physics Department of Novosibirsk State University, Russia in 1964. With 1965 till April he works in the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science as Junior and Senior Scientific Researcher, Head of Laboratory. Now he is Main researcher of the same Institute. With 1992 he works also as Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. S. Gaponov is the expert in a field of the fluid and gas mechanics. The basic directions of his scientific activity are connected with researches of hydrodynamic stability, non-stationary processes and the turbulence occurrence in supersonic gas flows. He defended the candidate thesis "Stability of the incompressible boundary layer on a permeable Surface" (1971) and doctor thesis (physics and mathematics) “Development of disturbances in a supersonic boundary layer” (1987). He is member of Council on a defence of doctoral theses at Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, member of Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, member of the International Scientific Committee on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics. The prize of Zhukovsky was awarded to him. There are many grants for fundamental research in which he took part: Grant of International Science and Technology Center: ISTC-128-96 investigator, Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (team leader.) He took part in work of numerous scientific conferences, including the Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics conferences. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Applied Physics. Number of his papers in refereed journals is more than170. Three books were published.

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