Plenary Lecture

Catalytic Synthesis of Green Liquid Fuels Using Novel Carbon-Supported Nanocatalysts

Professor Nicolas Abatzoglou
Department of Chemical and Biotechnological Engineering
Engineering Faculty
Université de Sherbrooke

Abstract: Canada pursues the R&D efforts in the area defined at the junction of Energy & Environment. More specifically, BioFuelNet, a National Center of Excellence, aims, among other targets, at developing new and improved technologies of green liquid biofuels production. Although the international context is presently economically hostile due to the prevailing low cost fossil-derived resources/raw materials, mastering such new technologically advanced and feasible processes would confer a clear leadership to the eventual tech holding. This lecture contains three main components:
1. Presentation of the BioFuelNet, a Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada, which is aimed at improving synergies amongst the most productive Canadian researchers in this field and catalyze international collaborations.
2. Summarizing the latest scientific and technical advances in developing Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis catalysts and processes. More specifically the lecture will focus on recently developed carbon-based Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis nanocatalysts with exceptional activity, robustness and regenerability.
3. Reviewing and comparing the carbon-based FTS catalysts known in the open literature.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Abatzoglou is full professor and ex-Head of the Department of Chemical & Biotechnological Engineering of the Université de Sherbrooke. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Saskatchewan and Laval University. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
He is a specialist in Process Engineering involving particulate systems. He is the Director of the GRTP-C&P (Groupe of Research on Technologies and Processes in the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry).
Since May 2008, he is the holder of the Pfizer Industrial Research Chair in Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) in Pharmaceutical Engineering.
He is one of the Leaders in Canada’s NCE Network BioFuelNet on Biorefining.
He is co-founder of the company Enerkem Technologies Inc., precursor of Enerkem Inc., a spin-off commercializing technologies in the field of energy from renewable resources.
His scientific production includes a 100+ publications, reviews, conferences, keynotes, plenaries and invited lectures, patents and three book chapters.

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