

Special Session

Territorial Development and Territorial Administration

Professor Jan Suchacek
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
Faculty of Economics
Department of Regional and Environmental Economics
Ostrava, Czech Republic
E-mail: jan.suchacek@vsb.cz


1. Local and Regional Development

2. Local and Regional Management

3. Local and Regional Marketing

4. Human Geography

5. Territorial Administration

6. Spatial Aspects of Globalisation

7. Modern Approaches to Territorial Development

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Since 2003 he has been a senior lecturer and associate professor at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. He has delivered guest lectures in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary. His research interests focus mainly on urban and regional development, spatial aspects of European integration, territorial administration, and globalisation. Author/co-author of 4 books and more than 60 articles.

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