Plenary Lecture

Competitive Management with Application to the Manufacturing Systems of the Mechanics Buildings

Professor Daniela Ghelase
Faculty of Engineering - Braila
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati

Abstract: In present day, the data from manufacturing system monitoring are transformed in knowledge only in case of scientific research activity, then the knowledge are disseminated to be applied. The cycle is too long and the knowledge arrive with great delay and indirectly to the manufacturing system. The achievement of the permanent cycle to transform on-line information into knowledge will be followed, to generate action which to be implemented into system immediately and directly. In present day, the models used in manufacturing systems management (analytic, numeric, neuronal) refer to component elements of the systems. The models building is in all cases based on off-line experimental investigation of the element, compose of experimental dataset and using it to select the most suitable model. The cases of comportamental modeling systems don’t report in special literature. The new concept of the manufacturing system management will be developed on base of the comportamental modeling which will describe the interaction among elements (technological system, manufacturing products, marketing). The competitive management system means the competitiveness evaluation and, on its base, the intervention on the manufacturing system through the instructions regarding the development way of the manufacturing process to obtain maximum competitiveness. On the other hand, as a result of the competitiveness evaluation, the management system must give the competitive offers which will enter in auctions. To realize these two objects, the competitive management system uses reinforcement learning method to know the market and on-line unsupervised learning method to know the manufacture system. Through application of the competitiveness management at manufacturing system of the mechanics buildings, we can release a management of these systems.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Daniela Ghelase graduated the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest in 1985 and she obtained PhD in Industrial Engineering at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (2002). Her Research fields includes: flexible systems manufacturing, numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and surfaces generation, optimal computer-aided design of gear-sets, quality assurance and management. Now, dr. Ghelase is Associate Professor at Faculty of Engineering Braila, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. She published as author or co-author over 100 articles in journals and internationals conferences proceedings (Hungary, Italy, Hong Kong, Spain, Portugal, Poland, South Africa, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldavia, USA). Daniela Ghelase wrote 5 books in her research field. In 2005 she was visiting professor at The City University of Hong Kong. She is Member of following professional and scientific associations: IAENG - International Associations of Engineers; IFAC – International Federation of Automatic Control, SAAM - South African for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ARoTMM - Romanian Association for Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, ACM-V - Multidisciplinary Research Association of the West Zone. Dr. Daniela Ghelase is Expert of Romanian National University Research Council – CNCSIS.

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