WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development

Print ISSN: 1790-5079
E-ISSN: 2224-3496

Volume 13, 2017

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Volume 13, 2017

Agenda 2030 and Settlement Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts

AUTHORS: Vladimíra Šilhánková, Michael Pondělíček

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ABSTRACT: Adopted by the UN member states in 2015, the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 is detailed into 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It was the first time that the UN and the international community had generally recognised the key role of municipalities for development. The development agenda is to address issues that are primarily local problems that cannot be resolved without local government participating. It is towns and cities that are the bodies that have the means and the skills to improve administration and plan for and implement solutions locally. Towns and communities are targeted primarily in Goal 11 ‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’, which is comprised of a range of secondary targets and tasks including mitigating climate change impacts, adapting settlements to climate change impacts and reducing disaster risk. Complex strategies of municipalities adapting to climate change impacts will be demonstrated on an example of a city and two towns in the Czech Republic: Hradec Králové, Žďár nad Sázavou and Dobruška.

KEYWORDS: Agenda2030, SDG goals, Sustainable Cities, Climate change, Strategies of municipalities adapting to climate change, Czech Republic


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[3] PONDĚLÍČEK, Michael, EMMER, Adam, ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, Vladimíra at al. Metodika tvorby adaptační strategie sídel na změnu klimatu. Hradec Králové: Civitas per Populi 2016, 40 p. ISBN 978-80-87756-08-9.

[4] PONDĚLÍČEK, Michael, ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, Vladimíra a PONDĚLÍČKOVÁ, Karolína. Cestovní mapa (Road map) k adaptaci na dopady změny klimatu pro město Žďár nad Sázavou. Civitas per Populi 2016, 70 p.

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[6] ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, Vladimíra et al. Indicators of Sustainability on the Local Level, Civitas per Populi Hradec Králové 2011, 200 p. ISBN 978- 80-904671-5-6.

[7] ŠILHÁNKOVÁ, Vladimíra, PONDĚLÍČEK, Michael at al. Cestovní mapa (Road map) k adaptaci na dopady změny klimatu pro město Dobruška. Civitas per Populi 2016, 74 p.

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[online] UN Web Services Section, Department of Public Information, United Nations, without a date

[cit. 28.2.2017]. Available from: es/.

WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 13, 2017, Art. #20, pp. 181-188

Copyright © 2017 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

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