WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics

Print ISSN: 1109-9526
E-ISSN: 2224-2899

Volume 15, 2018

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Volume 15, 2018

Comparative Assessment of Efficiency of Non-Standard Forms of Employment in a Company

AUTHORS: Marina V. Vinogradova, Sergey A. Chunikhin, Yerzan A. Bakirov

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ABSTRACT: Employment transformation is one of the prevailing trends characterizing the modern market. Under the influence of numerous factors that have caused the changes in demand and supply for labour, the traditional standard employment gives way to its brand-new forms. The development of non-standard employment is a distinctive feature of such transformations. However, these forms have been insufficiently studied and systematized, and many issues remain quite debatable. Resolving this problem on the basis of empirical data, we have made an attempt to establish the appropriateness of using non-standard forms of employment by means of a comparative analysis of their efficiency by quantitative and qualitative evaluation parameters. The proposed method allows calculating the amount of resources saved or overspent while performing auxiliary functions or a certain type of activity for the main non-standard forms of employment. The obtained results proved the economic efficiency of dealing with outsourcing as a special case using the example of a company’s information support implementation. When discussing the approach, we emphasize that, depending on the character of auxiliary functions fulfilled, the effectiveness of them being outsourced can vary significantly. The paper supports the thesis that the use of mechanisms of non-standard employment determines the opportunities for taking managerial decisions about reconfiguration of production processes in the internal or external area of responsibility.

KEYWORDS: Non-standard forms of employment; Outsourcing; Outstaffing; Staff leasing; Configuration of production processes


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WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 15, 2018, Art. #28, pp. 292-300

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