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Sebastien Salva
William Durand

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Sebastien Salva
William Durand

WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics

Print ISSN: 1109-9526
E-ISSN: 2224-2899

Volume 14, 2017

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Volume 14, 2017

Regression Detection in Software Controlling Industrial Systems

AUTHORS: Sebastien Salva, William Durand

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ABSTRACT: In the industry, testing production systems, i.e., systems transforming raw materials into products, is usually performed manually and is a long and error-prone task. The automation of the testing process could be initiated with the use of models. But, for this kind of system that has a long life span, models, when they exist, are seldom up-to-date. In this paper, we do not presume the availability of any model and we propose a method to automatically test the CIM2 level of production systems i.e., the software controlling them, by combining two approaches: model inference and passive testing. Using a set of events collected from a production system, our approach combines the notions of expert system, formal models and machine learning to infer symbolic models while preventing over-generalisation (i.e., the models should not capture more behaviours than those possible in the real system). These models are then used as specifications to passively test the conformance of other production systems. We define conformance with two complementary implementation relations. The first relation is based upon the classical trace-preorder relation. The second one is a weaker relation, less strict on the parameter values found in the traces of the system under test. With the collaboration of the manufacturer Michelin, we evaluated our approach on a real production system and show that it can be used in practice to quickly generate models and to test new production systems.

KEYWORDS: Software engineering, Maintenance, Model generation , Passive testing , Industrial systems


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WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 14, 2017, Art. #35, pp. 330-353

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