WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control

Print ISSN: 1991-8763
E-ISSN: 2224-2856

Volume 13, 2018

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Volume 13, 2018

A Greek Voice Recognition Interface for ROV Applications, Using Machine Learning Technologies and the CMU Sphinx Platform

AUTHORS: Fotios K. Pantazoglou, Georgios P. Kladis, Nikolaos K. Papadakis

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ABSTRACT: Finding new technical solutions to command and control smart and high technology devices has become a necessity in our days. This is due to the fact that control of these devices, in a manual manner, may often become cumbersome for the operator especially when he/she is involved with numerous tasks. One way to overcome this, it is common practice the use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) procedures, and this is the main topic of this article. In this article we present the implementation of a Greek CMU Sphinx model that can be used in Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) operations and applications. In particular, this work is focused in the development and training of the CMU Sphinx platform for the Greek language using well established machine learning tools and technologies .The generic Greek model and the Greek model for ROV applications are freely available in international repository via ( and )

KEYWORDS: Human-machine interface, Machine learning, CMU sphinx, Pocketsphinx, Greek language, Automatic Speech recognition, Hidden Markov Models, Remotely Operated vehicles,


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WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8763 / 2224-2856, Volume 13, 2018, Art. #63, pp. 550-560

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