WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine

Print ISSN: 1109-9518
E-ISSN: 2224-2902

Volume 15, 2018

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An Off-Lattice HP Model with Side-Chains and S-S Bridges Impact for Protein Folding Problem

AUTHORS: Ivan Todorin, Nicola Yanev, Metodi Traykov, Borislav Yurukov

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ABSTRACT: The proposed model takes into account highest degree of complexity – different size of radiuses of side-chains, mentioned below as radicals, and two stages of algorithm, including random structure initially and subsequent purposeful folding process according to the physical forces and energies. The objective function is three-componential – one member corresponding to the impact of the hydrophobic contacts of side-chains, next one to the impact of hydrogen bonds between peptide chain parts and third to the impact of S-S bridges

KEYWORDS: - Protein folding prediction, Bioinformatics, Drug Design, Willpower folding, HP model, Amino acid descriptors, S-S bridges


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WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9518 / 2224-2902, Volume 15, 2018, Art. #3, pp. 16-23

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